November 24, 2016
Daylight Savings Time And Car Crashes
Experts have warned that Daylight Savings Time (“DST”) can be bad for one’s health. People have debated about whether we should continue the practice of moving time forward and backwards. Proponents of this change argue that it helps reduce electrical consumption. People opposed to Daylight Savings Time have stated that this practice disrupts people’s sleep schedules, resulting in injuries.
Regardless of whether one is for or against Daylight Savings Time, studies have shown that car accidents are more common the Monday after DST begins. The University of British Columbia conducted a study of data from 1986 to 1995. They found that there were 17 percent more car accidents the Monday after Daylight Savings Time. Former Harvard University Medical School professor Martin Moore-Ede states the reason car accidents are more common on that date is because people are sleep-deprived. It is harder for people to focus on the road.
The effects that Daylight Savings Time has on drivers could be long-lasting. In fact, one study showed that car accident rates were six percent higher the six days after it starts. It is also important to note that increased car accidents are not the only effect of the time change. Some studies suggest that Daylight Savings Time can increase the risk of heart attacks.
It’s always wise to be a cautious and well-rested driver. In the unfortunate circumstance that you are involved in a car accident caused by someone else, a personal injury lawyer can help you be compensated for your accident injuries. Contact Michelle Linka Law at 416-477-7288 or (905) 448-781.