October 25, 2016
Accident Benefit Claims: Most Common Injuries
Car accidents are devastating. Depending on the severity of the impact and circumstances surrounding the crash, injuries may be inevitable. If you have been hurt in an accident, you may consider a personal injury lawsuit. You are not alone at this time of need; legal advice can help guide you through the difficult process and allow you to focus on your recovery. Your medical injuries, limitations and needs dictate how much can be paid out from an accident benefit claims lawsuit. Here are the most common injuries incurred by accidents in Canada:
Brain and Head Trauma
Brain injuries top the list. These can include a mild concussion or swelling. A traumatic brain injury is the worst case scenario. Due to the proximity of the windshield and the driver, it is possible to have a serious brain injury, especially if you are not wearing your seatbelt. In many cases, there are no initial signs of a problem with the brain. However, the skull can be jostled by impact causing internal bruising. A severe crash often results in serious brain injuries.
Neck Damage
Car accidents are notorious for causing whiplash. When the neck is put under strain, whiplash is a common occurrence. However, it is not the only condition that can occur when a neck is in distress. Conditions like cervical radiculopathy and disc injury can also occur.
Back Problems
The back is a very strong, yet subtle, system that includes disks, vertebra, and cartridge. Back problems don’t always show up right after an accident, they may take a few weeks to surface. Unfortunately, a back injury can cause pain and discomfort for many years to come. Common back conditions observed in car accident patients are sprains, disc injuries, lumbar radiculopathy, and fractures.
Facial Lacerations
A seatbelt can protect the body, but the face is often exposed to flying debris. A face can hit the steering wheel, dash, windows, seats, or come in contact with glass. Scrapes and bruises are common. Additionally, there can be fractures and lacerations. In some serious cases, victims may have dental injuries or disorders of the jaw, like TMJ (Temporomandibular joint disorders).
Psychological Trauma
Many people think that car accident injuries are solely physical. In reality, many accidents cause psychological scars that take a long time to heal. After a serious event, many people are afraid to get behind the wheel of a car again. They may be afraid to ride as a passenger or travel at higher speeds. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is very common after an accident. These injuries fall under the “pain and suffering” portion of a lawsuit. You are also able to access treatment for these injuries through your accident benefits provider.
When it comes to accident benefit claims, you need someone who can help you through the legal challenges. Michelle Linka Law Professional Corporation has ample experience helping accident victims get the compensation they rightly deserve. Call us today at 416-477-7288.