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Celebrating Responsibly during the Holiday Season

December 7, 2016

Celebrating Responsibly during the Holiday Season

As the holiday season approaches, celebrating responsibly is the name of the game. If you’re planning on attending parties this season, here are a few tips to consider. Understanding that there are ways to have fun while staying safe will protect you and others.

Celebrating Responsibly during the Holiday Season

1. Designate a Driver – The holidays are a time for family, friends, and fun. Festivities and parties are everywhere and it’s only natural to want to partake of everything offered. If you’re planning on consuming alcohol or smoking cannabis it’s wise to appoint a friend who stays sober to do the driving.

2. Take a cab or use Uber Cell phones and apps make it easy to get a professional driver to the door to take you home safely.

Winter Driving Hazards: Be Prepared

3. Be Aware of Your Surroundings – Not all car crashes are due to alcohol or drugs. During the holiday season, shoppers and partygoers are everywhere. The number of distracted drivers are higher during this time. Don’t be one of them. Always know your surroundings and look out for others who are not being conscientious, especially pedestrians. Exercise caution to avoid causing an accident — or being the victim of one.

4. Make a Pact with Parents – Never be afraid to ask a parent for a ride to and from parties (instead of driving yourself). The people who love you always want to ensure the safety of their child and will be proud of your responsible behaviour.

5. Know Your Limits – Drivers of all ages need to act and react responsibly. A responsible driver knows their limits and knows when they should take the back seat for the ride home. Don’t take a risk. Ever.

Live-Saving Facts about Defensive Driving

Taking precautions to save your life or the life of a friend can avoid a disastrous end to an otherwise wonderful evening. Being careful and behaving wisely dramatically decreases the risk of car crashes, but they cannot always be avoided. If you’ve been in an accident, contact a reputable lawyer.

Michelle Linka Law Professional Corporation can help you if you’ve been involved in a motor vehicle accident. You can speak to someone by calling (416) 477-7288 in Richmond Hill or (905) 448-7810 in Whitby.

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